Shop fresh, local, organic food.
Located in the heart of downtown New Ulm.

So Much More than a Grocery Store

With products from more than 30 local farmers and producers, NUCMC is so much more than a grocery store. When you shop with us you’re supporting your own health, the health of our community, and the health of our local food system.


Tuesdays and Thursdays: 2-6pm
Saturdays: 9am-noon


506 1st St. N
(across from the mural)


Everyone welcome - no membership required to shop!

Become an owner

Becoming an owner of NUCMC is a simple way to have a big impact. As an owner, your support helps us continue our mission of providing access to reasonably priced, high quality, locally produced food and creating a stronger, more sustainable food system. Plus, receive exclusive owner benefits!